Why is good Chocolate expensive?

The Artisanal Chocolate movement has been around for just over 20 years, and it has influenced the chocolate making industry deeply. From a candy it transformed into a luxury product with recognizable health benefits and better quality. From a reckless industry, it is turning into a more ethical and quality driven product. Good Chocolate is […]

Benefits of starting the day with Dark Chocolate.

Boost your energy for the rest of the day with Theobromine. Theobromine ( found in the cacao bean ) which is a stimulant similar to caffeine but with longer acting effects. Improves blood circulation. Rich in antioxidants. Can keep you young. Prevent cancer. Prevent heart attacks. Packed with Phenylethylamine, a natural antidepressant and one of […]

Short story on how Chocolate made it into a bar.

The use of Cacao is archaeologically proven to be part of human life and diet since thousands of years. Chocolate, as the result of Cacao beans grinding, was for the Mayan and Aztecs civilization a very important ingredient in their diet, especially amongst the wealthiest people; but what was more than that, Cacao was actually […]